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Code Lyoko - Nintendo DS


Code Lyoko Loose Game Card
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€ 8.49discount
6 Months warranty
Manual and box
Code Lyoko Losse Game Card with Character/Damage
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€ 6.99discount
6 Months warranty
Manual and box
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Boxshot Code Lyoko

Afbeelding voor  Code Lyoko

Game trailer



Platform:Nintendo DS
For:DS (lite),
DSi (XL),
(New) 2DS (XL),
(New) 3DS (XL)
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Afbeelding voor Code Lyoko


Mr M

Mr M. tells

Product Description

Fantastic! Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity is a Fantastic game for the Nintendo DS that takes you on an exciting journey into the digital world of Lyoko! In this game, you play as the heroes from the popular French animated series Code Lyoko: Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, and Aelita. Together with them, you embark on an adventure to defeat the evil X.A.N.A. and save the world! The game combines platform action with puzzles and battles, providing a diverse and engaging gameplay experience. You can switch between the different characters, each with their own unique abilities, to overcome the challenges of Lyoko. Fantastic, isn't it?

Historical Context

Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity was released in 2008 and is based on the beloved animated series that first aired in 2003. The series was a huge success and gained a dedicated fanbase worldwide. The game successfully captured the atmosphere and adventure of the series, making it a favorite among fans. Over the years, various games and merchandise have been released, but Quest for Infinity remains one of the most popular titles.

Expert Reviews

According to IGN: "Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity captures the essence of the show and delivers a fun and engaging experience for fans." GameSpot adds: "The game's mix of platforming, puzzles, and combat is well-balanced and keeps players engaged throughout."

Is It For You?

This game is ideal for fans of the Code Lyoko series who want to experience the adventures of their favorite characters. But also, fans of platform and puzzle games will have a lot of fun with this title. Younger players will appreciate the colorful graphics and exciting story, while older players will cherish the nostalgia of the series. Fantastic for everyone!

Similar Games

If you enjoy Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity, I definitely recommend taking a look at "Mega Man ZX" and "Sonic Rush Adventure". Both games, like Code Lyoko, offer a mix of action and platforming that will entertain you for hours. Super fun!

When I'm Not Working...

Haha! If I were in the world of Code Lyoko, I would explore the digital world with my best friends Yoshi and Luma! We would collaborate with Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, and Aelita to defeat X.A.N.A. Yoshi would take out enemies with his long tongue, while Luma would protect us with his magical powers. And me? I would, of course, provide Fantastic advice and ensure everyone stays safe! It would be an adventure to remember!

Afbeelding voor Code Lyoko


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